Friday, April 1, 2016

Surrounded by Beautiful America

Beautiful spacious skies above the majestic mountains,
Crown thy majesties for good America,
Grace on thee amber colored waves,
Gracefully moving clouds above us,
Thy beautiful America surrounds us with gleam. 

The Letter A

The letter A is a mountain, staple remover, a person standing
The letter A is the roof of a house, an arrow, a hat, a girl, an insect, a hole, a V
The letter A is bottom of South America
The letter A is art, asparagus, an apple, Africa
The letter A starts the list and the alphabet.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Stranger in Newsville

Stranger in Newsville By: Emily Richmond
In the little small town of Newsville everyone was preparing for the blizzard that was coming in just a few days, then something was unusual happened. Someone that no one knew came to town and would just walk around and never talk to anyone. No one knew why he would just do that, he started vandalising vehicles, homes, buildings, and streets.


He disappeared a couple of hours before the blizzard started, the whole town was suspicious, and they had no idea why he would just leave after just a day of destroying the town. The blizzard lasted two days, everyone was stuck in their houses so they couldn’t do anything about the stranger.

After the blizzard was over everyone began cleaning the snow off of the driveways and streets. No had yet seen the stranger around anywhere, but this one girl did. She didn’t say anything to anyone because she didn’t want to put the town in anger or panic. She stopped him, and told him to come inside. She asked him who he was and why he did all of what he did.

He explained to her that he lost his family in a blizzard just like the one that just happened and he was upset. She understood what he was going through, her parents died in a car accident because of a blizzard. After their conversation she asked him what his name was. “Ben,” “Nice to meet you Ben I’m Sara.”

Once all the snow cleared out Sara and Ben cleaned up all of the damage to the buildings, houses and vehicles. Sara and her brother Owen helped Ben move into his own house.

He lived in the town of Newsville for a very long time, and made sure there was no trouble in the town.


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